TNM Recital Info
- Recital will be on June 1st, 2013 at the Berkner High School Auditorium.
- The show will start at 6:30 PM.
- Each dancer will be charged a non-refundable $25 recital fee.
- This fee will include 4 tickets to the show.
- If you do not need all 4 tickets, please return them to the TNM office.
- Each dancer’s allotted 4 tickets will be issued the week of May 6th, 2013.
- Additional tickets will cost $5 each and will be available for purchase in the studio beginning the week of May 6th, 2013.
- Additional tickets will be available for purchase in the lobby of the auditorium prior to recital.
Costume Care:
- When your dancer receives his/her costume, please make sure to hang it up at home.
- These costumes are not to be worn prior to recital.
- Make sure you keep track of all accessories and small pieces accompanying the costume.
- If needed, please iron or steam the costume prior to pictures and recital.
Tights and Shoes:
- Tights must be purchased from TNM and will be available for purchase after Spring Break.
- You will need to purchase your required shoes at any dance apparel store prior to April 22nd. Some suggestions: Academy Sports, Sandy’s Shoes, Payless.
- Additional information indicating which tights and shoes are needed for each class will be sent out soon!